Ava DuVernay and Autumn Riley
The birth of DuVernay's daughter was on August 24 1972 in Long Beach California. DuVernay received encouragement from Aunt Denise at the age of just a young girl. Aunt Denise worked in the evening shift as nurse, so she could follow her passion for art literature and theater throughout the day. DuVernay enjoyed the movie West Side Story, which she brought to her. DuVernay discovered through her example the power of art as an avenue for action. DuVernay had an aunt who was socially conscious and showed her how to utilize the arts as a means to express herself. DuVernay lived in Compton for most of her youth, however she would spend every summer with her extended family members living in Lowndes County Alabama. Her father was awed by the historic Civil Rights march over the Edmund Pettus Bridge, in adjacent Selma Alabama. The DuVernay family visited Selma over the summer months and was in awe of the idea to film on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. DuVernay graduated from Saint Joseph High School Lakewood California, in 1990. In 1990, she was a graduate of the Saint Joseph High School located in Lakewood California. DuVernay was a college student when she became fascinated by the production aspect of the broadcast media. Her first job was working as an intern at CBS News during the O.J. Simpson's trial. DuVernay recalled being assigned to sit at the house of one member of the jury and look through their trash. Her tasks left her disappointed with journalism so she decided to move towards the publicity industry. DuVernay was hired straight after graduating from college as an assistant publicist in a small studio. From this position she started her own PR company known as The DuVernay Agency in 1999. Besides PR, the agency established several lifestyle platforms including Urban Beauty Collective, Urban Thought Collective Urban Eye, HelloBeautiful. Autumn Riley.............................Autumn Riley was born in Los Angeles United States. Autumn Riley's zodiac sign is the. She is an actress, popularly known for American Experience (1987) and A More Perfect Union (2009). Autumn was Rose in A More Perfect Union as also Anna Payne from American Experience.

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